Pünktliche und zuverlässige Entsorgung
von Restmüll, Schadstoffen und Sperrmüll.
von Restmüll, Schadstoffen und Sperrmüll.
$this->db->replacePrefix((string) $query):
SELECT `routen`.`Jahr` FROM `lpno0_abhol_routen` AS `routen` LEFT JOIN `lpno0_abhol_route_ort_strasse` AS `ros` ON `ros`.`RouteID` = `routen`.`RouteID` LEFT JOIN `lpno0_abhol_ort` AS `orte` ON `orte`.`OrtID` = `ros`.`OrtID` AND `orte`.`Geloescht` IS NULL LEFT JOIN `lpno0_abhol_strassen` AS `strassen` ON (`strassen`.`StrasseID` = `ros`.`StrasseID` OR (`ros`.`StrasseID` = 0 AND `strassen`.`OrtID` = `orte`.`OrtID`)) AND `orte`.`NaherholGebiet` IS NULL AND `strassen`.`Geloescht` IS NULL WHERE `routen`.`Geloescht` IS NULL AND `orte`.`OrtID` IS NOT NULL AND `routen`.`RouteID` IN (SELECT RouteID FROM lpno0_abhol_routen_plan GROUP BY RouteID) AND `routen`.`Jahr`='2024' AND (`orte`.`NaherholGebiet`IS NULL OR `orte`.`NaherholGebiet`!='1') GROUP BY `routen`.`Jahr` ORDER BY `routen`.`Jahr` ASC
$this->db->replacePrefix((string) $query):
SELECT `orte`.`OrtID`, `orte`.`Ort` FROM `lpno0_abhol_routen` AS `routen` LEFT JOIN `lpno0_abhol_route_ort_strasse` AS `ros` ON `ros`.`RouteID` = `routen`.`RouteID` LEFT JOIN `lpno0_abhol_ort` AS `orte` ON `orte`.`OrtID` = `ros`.`OrtID` AND `orte`.`Geloescht` IS NULL LEFT JOIN `lpno0_abhol_strassen` AS `strassen` ON (`strassen`.`StrasseID` = `ros`.`StrasseID` OR (`ros`.`StrasseID` = 0 AND `strassen`.`OrtID` = `orte`.`OrtID`)) AND `orte`.`NaherholGebiet` IS NULL AND `strassen`.`Geloescht` IS NULL WHERE `routen`.`Geloescht` IS NULL AND `orte`.`OrtID` IS NOT NULL AND `routen`.`RouteID` IN (SELECT RouteID FROM lpno0_abhol_routen_plan GROUP BY RouteID) AND `routen`.`Jahr`='2024' AND (`orte`.`NaherholGebiet`IS NULL OR `orte`.`NaherholGebiet`!='1') GROUP BY `orte`.`OrtID`, `orte`.`Ort` ORDER BY `orte`.`Ort` ASC
$this->db->replacePrefix((string) $query):
SELECT `strassen`.`StrasseID`, `strassen`.`StrasseNr` FROM `lpno0_abhol_routen` AS `routen` LEFT JOIN `lpno0_abhol_route_ort_strasse` AS `ros` ON `ros`.`RouteID` = `routen`.`RouteID` LEFT JOIN `lpno0_abhol_ort` AS `orte` ON `orte`.`OrtID` = `ros`.`OrtID` AND `orte`.`Geloescht` IS NULL LEFT JOIN `lpno0_abhol_strassen` AS `strassen` ON (`strassen`.`StrasseID` = `ros`.`StrasseID` OR (`ros`.`StrasseID` = 0 AND `strassen`.`OrtID` = `orte`.`OrtID`)) AND `orte`.`NaherholGebiet` IS NULL AND `strassen`.`Geloescht` IS NULL WHERE `routen`.`Geloescht` IS NULL AND `orte`.`OrtID` IS NOT NULL AND `routen`.`RouteID` IN (SELECT RouteID FROM lpno0_abhol_routen_plan GROUP BY RouteID) AND `routen`.`Jahr`='2024' AND `strassen`.`OrtID`='87' AND (`orte`.`NaherholGebiet`IS NULL OR `orte`.`NaherholGebiet`!='1') GROUP BY `strassen`.`StrasseID`, `strassen`.`StrasseNr` ORDER BY `strassen`.`StrasseNr` ASC
$this->db->replacePrefix((string) $query):
SELECT `routen_plan`.`PlanDatum`, `routen`.`AbfallArt` FROM `lpno0_abhol_routen` AS `routen` LEFT JOIN `lpno0_abhol_route_ort_strasse` AS `ros` ON `ros`.`RouteID` = `routen`.`RouteID` LEFT JOIN `lpno0_abhol_ort` AS `orte` ON `orte`.`OrtID` = `ros`.`OrtID` AND `orte`.`Geloescht` IS NULL LEFT JOIN `lpno0_abhol_strassen` AS `strassen` ON (`strassen`.`StrasseID` = `ros`.`StrasseID` OR (`ros`.`StrasseID` = 0 AND `strassen`.`OrtID` = `orte`.`OrtID`)) AND `orte`.`NaherholGebiet` IS NULL AND `strassen`.`Geloescht` IS NULL LEFT JOIN `lpno0_abhol_routen_plan` AS `routen_plan` ON `routen_plan`.`RouteID` = `routen`.`RouteID` WHERE `routen`.`Geloescht` IS NULL AND `orte`.`OrtID` IS NOT NULL AND `orte`.`OrtID`='87' AND `routen_plan`.`PlanID` IS NOT NULL AND `routen`.`Jahr`='2024' AND `strassen`.`StrasseID` IS NULL AND (`orte`.`NaherholGebiet`IS NULL OR `orte`.`NaherholGebiet`!='1') GROUP BY `routen_plan`.`PlanDatum`, `routen`.`AbfallArt` ORDER BY `routen_plan`.`PlanDatum` ASC
Abfallkalender 2024
Bereich: alle Straßen
Abholtermine 2024 für Reesdorf
Gelbe Tonne
Mo 15.01.
Fr 09.02.
Fr 08.03.
Sa 06.04.
Sa 04.05.
Fr 31.05.
Fr 28.06.
Fr 26.07.
Fr 23.08.
Fr 20.09.
Fr 18.10.
Fr 15.11.
Fr 13.12.
Mi 10.01.
Mo 29.01.
Mo 19.02.
Mo 11.03.
Di 02.04.
Mo 22.04.
Mo 13.05.
Mo 03.06.
Mo 24.06.
Mo 15.07.
Mo 05.08.
Mo 26.08.
Mo 16.09.
Mo 07.10.
Mo 28.10.
Mo 18.11.
Mo 09.12.
Di 31.12.
Mi 03.01.
Di 16.01.
Mo 29.01.
Mo 12.02.
Mo 26.02.
Mo 11.03.
Mo 25.03.
Mo 08.04.
Mo 22.04.
Mo 06.05.
Di 21.05.
Mo 03.06.
Mo 17.06.
Mo 01.07.
Mo 15.07.
Mo 29.07.
Mo 12.08.
Mo 26.08.
Mo 09.09.
Mo 23.09.
Mo 07.10.
Mo 21.10.
Mo 04.11.
Mo 18.11.
Mo 02.12.
Mo 16.12.
Di 31.12.
Di 09.01.
Sa 20.01.
Fr 02.02.
Fr 16.02.
Fr 01.03.
Fr 15.03.
Sa 30.03.
Fr 12.04.
Fr 26.04.
Sa 11.05.
Sa 25.05.
Fr 07.06.
Fr 21.06.
Fr 05.07.
Fr 19.07.
Fr 02.08.
Fr 16.08.
Fr 30.08.
Fr 13.09.
Fr 27.09.
Fr 11.10.
Fr 25.10.
Fr 08.11.
Fr 22.11.
Fr 06.12.
Fr 20.12.